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I have been told that I have ridiculously neat handwriting.  I used to be way too modest about this, saying things like “Oh, it’s not that great” when people would compliment my penmanship.  I recently realized that this only makes people feel uncomfortable and perhaps even worse about their own handwriting.  So I’ve decided to own it.  And part of owning it means blog-bragging about it to the entire internet community.

This is going to sound strange, but I absolutely love handwriting.  I love the satisfaction that comes with writing an entire page without making any mistakes.  I love when all the letters on a line are the same height.  I know it’s a little neurotic, but it makes me happy.

Getting stuff done


This year I’ve been using handwriting as a study tool by transcribing highlighted parts from textbooks and typed notes from lectures into a notebook.  Oddly, I can’t hand write write notes during lectures.  I would write them messily and my hand would hurt and I would just need to write them all over again when it comes time to study.  Such a waste of trees.

A masterpiece!


I’m very picky about my pens and papers that I use to take notes.  I like white or cream-colored paper, not grey.  I’m left-handed, so bound notebooks are preferable.  These Moleskine journals are good ones.  It may be the fact that Moleskine markets their notebooks as “legendary” but I always feel smarter when I write in them.  Like I’m part of history or something.  My life goal is to one day have a bookshelf full of identical Moleskine journals full of knowledge.

Moleskine Ruled Cahier Journal


As for writing utensils, I hate pencils.  They’re messy and inconsistent and just not as good as pens.  I like Pilot G2 pens the best.  They write smoothly, dry quickly, and last forever.  I prefer the 0.38 mm width, which is a bit difficult to find.  I bought mine on Amazon and they’re about $1 per pen.  The 0.5 mm width is good, too.  BUT please listen to me and don’t buy the o.7 or 1 mm varieties unless you want ink smudges all over your paper.  Ew.

Pilot G2 Ultra Fine Point Black Gel Ink Pens, Dozen Box, 31277

Really good pens that you won’t feel bad about losing.

I recently bought a pack of these Staedtler Triplus Fineliner (what a name!) colored pens, and I really like them, too.  They actually dry even faster than the Pilot pens.  And they are colorful!  Yay!


So, that’s me explaining another of my neurotic quirks to the entire world.  At least handwriting is a marketable skill… if I want to be a secretary in an office without computers.  It does look really really pretty.